Competition project Trencin – City on River 2014
- Year: 2014
- Location: Slovakia
- Purpose: Urban Planning
Trencin – City on the River – a competition organized by the city of Trencin (Slovakia). This is an open international competition for proposals of urbanists-designers for the best design of city centre communication with both embankments of the river Vah. The competition was held in May 2014.The project was created with the participation of Vlodko Zotov (Bureau of Architecture initiative “GA”).
Wider context
During the wider context investigation (country, region, city, and area design) we drew attention to the following factors:
- Comparatively small size of Slovakia, low population density and its cities development on the one hand, and a large number of natural resources on the other hand;
- A significant part of the industrial economy of Trenčín and Považská Region, which leads to a specific demographic composition of the population;
- The low density, road network, population, functions and, consequently, low areas activity of Trenčín;
- A durable tendency towards concentration of urban activity in supermarkets and shopping centers of the post-Soviet period;
- A small number of qualitative public spaces and lack of public, collective and private spaces gradation in many cases;
- Housing development inherited from the Soviet system.
Concept, philosophy
Taking into consideration all above arguments the main goal of our project has become the creation of Trenčín, as a compact, polycentric, pedestrian city full of life. The slogan of the project is “Compact Trenčín — Virgin Carpathians”.
The compact city model suits the best to the idea of respect for natural resources. Close construction reduces the distance between features, increases the number of users, eliminate the need to transport displaced and contributes to the pedestrianization. Besides that, the dense city has higher levels of energy efficiency.
Spatial composition & arrangement
The physical model of the space that we have created is designed to implement basic human rights and declare a transition to a democratic model of space as opposed to the communist.
A fragment of the city that we have developed consists of the following elements:
1) Young Trenčín with the area of Old Railway Bridge is a continuation of the historic part of the city;
2) New Trenčín is a right-bank city center, which complements already existing and is connected with it with the pedestrian, rail and road bridges. New Trenčín Central Square directly contacts with the river and has a background of Old Trenčín;
3) Revitalized Old Herold;
4) Cultural cluster that combines Old Herold with New Trenčín;
5) Island and Sport cluster near the Swimming Hall;
6) Areas of natural conservation;
7) The system of embankments with points of local activity that combines all elements into a single system and provides the activity circulation.
The basic element of spatial urban planning system we have chosen middle high perimeter block that has the following advantages:
- Create a living, compact environment, minimize transport movement and contributes to pedestrianization;
- Reduces the municipal spaces area, the maintenance for which the city has no money;
- Provides an accurate gradation of private, collective and public spaces, and as a result, facilitates the establishment of responsibility areas;
- Unites residents in close community and promotes socialization.
Transport & Connectivity
The main characteristic feature of the downtown is the combination of the following three factors:
- Local and regional traffic between Eastern and Western parts of the city;
- Local and regional traffic between Right and Left banks;
- The railway line that cuts off the shore of the river from the city center.
The aim is to create two pedestrian centers free of cars, on the right bank we displaced automobile traffic into the tunnel, which is a part of the underground component of buildings embankment and on the left side all the quarterly passages were given the pedestrian priority and limited vehicle speed to 15 km / h. Railway branch we dressed into a soundproofed cover with six automatic pedestrian gates. Near the Railway Bridge and farmers market area is located a new railway station.
Also considering the broader context, we have noticed the possibility of laying the new railway line in order to bypass the downtown of the city. If this condition is carried out the current line can be used for local electric train and tram. In our design we have not put emphasis on concerted existing proposals for the organization of cycling as proposed road network allows you to do this without unnecessary complications.
Impact of the proposal on the panorama & silhouette of the city
- On the right bank the majority of buildings has a height of 5-6 floors, it is appropriate in terms of respect for the land resources;
- On the left bank the height of buildings are ranging from one to three floors and a maximum mark of the roof does not exceed 220 m geodetic height.
That is why the impact of new development on the panorama of the city is minimal.
As for the landscape we have implemented the following actions:
- Lower level of embankments’ development is raised to the upper dams mark due to underground parts of buildings;
- Natural resources are divided by us on the territory of the enhanced security – Birds Island and Orechovský stream and moderate the banks of the river between the dam and park Brezina.
We tried to minimize interference into the natural environment and made the river exits only in declared areas.
Functional use and programme
We consider that all Trenčín and our design site as a mixed use area. All first floors of buildings, we supposed to be active. In the frameworks of the design it is used six types of clusters which define preferred uses:
1) Residential cluster;
2) Cultural cluster;
3) Hospitality cluster;
4) Business cluster;
5) Social and athletic cluster;
6) Railway cover.
To the main type of use depending on the context to each cluster is attached attendant.