The new realities of the economy – new challenges and opportunities for developers
Andrii Vyshnevskyi,
Owner and Director of
Comfortbud Design Institute
Already 11 years of experience, more than 3.7 million thousand square meters of projected area and participated in over 20 international competitions give the Comfortbud Design Institute the experience that allows you to predict future trends in design and construction services. Working directly with customers, we are able to track their tastes, needs, wishes, and, consequently, to understand current needs of investment and development of real estate market and to predict how they will change in the near future.
Our observations led to some interesting conclusions, which the company Comfortbud is ready to share with partners to offer them innovative and successful strategic decisions. Thus, the housing sector in 2016, tended to create a comfortable living space. This is evidenced by increasing the proportion of two- and three-bedroom apartments compared to the one-bedroom, and the creation of additional functional areas – such as penthouses, terraces, patios, lounges.
Pleased that developers are increasingly trying to offer housing format “all inclusive” thinking through the quantity and quality of commercial space, developing the infrastructure and green areas, paying more attention to the quality of construction, aesthetic facades.
Concept of Smart Apartments is also present on the market, but they are clearly segmented and distinguished completely different systems with their requirements and needs of the consumer.
This year is understood that the housing market is not just selling square footage and aesthetically attractive functional housing, which solves problems and satisfies the needs of the buyer. New trends require new approaches, innovative technologies, and interesting architectural solutions. We can state the fact that residential complexes are becoming a complete perfect part of modern urban space. Most developers understand the demands of the market are finally listening to the ideas of architects. Evidence of this is the growing number of architectural competitions in which design companies are able to prove themselves equal, having a contract with the developer and organizer, or at least, winning awards.
Industry of industrial and agricultural building has its own specifics. Obviously, economic growth has a positive effect on these markets and we are witnessing active development of these industries.
Comfortbud Design Institute has been receiving requests for the creation of industrial and warehouse space, and we can confidently say that in these projects major role play functionality. Experience designing and building factories “Bader Ukraine” in Lviv region and bulk storage depots sugar of silo type in Radekhiv and Starokonstantyniv shows – most important for buildings of this type remain practical, modern reliable engineering solutions, optimize business processes, lifetime. And, despite the complexity of such projects, we clearly appreciate the positive results of cooperation – because we cannot implement European experience to the needs of Ukrainian business. We are proud that our customers appreciated our projects.
We want to believe in the best. We firmly believe that no unstable economic situation, nor the various restrictions, no complicated licensing procedures or corruption is forced to postpone progressive Ukrainian business projects in a long drawer.
After that only constructive dialogue is able to change the architectural face of towns and villages in Ukraine and create space for their residents new opportunities, comfort solutions and creative ideas.