The owner of the company “Comfortbud” Design Institute” Andriy Vyshnevskiy on how to choose the right designer

    “Fast, high quality, inexpensive” – ​​it is absolutely logical desire of any customer, when he is faced with the choice of the contractor for the implementation of their project. However, the ability to correctly select the design organization that will meet all the needs of the Customer, but still at an affordable price and quality, is very difficult. Today, the design services market is saturated with suggestions such as “we will design quickly, efficiently, cheaply,” which contain mutually exclusive.

    Designing in a hurry priori can not provide effective technical solutions and adequate detail drawings. Qualitatively-designed project documentation can’t be cheap, and the urgency always has to be paid extra. Unfortunately, the above axioms are not always known to the Customer, and the wrong choice of the design organization is fraught with significant excess of time and money, both during construction and during operation. It is worth noting that these contingencies to order more of the amount of savings on the project work, as the cost of design work is only 2% – 5% of the construction costs.


   Let’s try to trace a direct link between quality design and economy. The most important step in creating a project is a stage of pre-project analysis and the creation of the concept of the future building.The objectives of pre-analysis is the study obtained from the Customer the original data and a thorough study of the current situation -detailed analysis section, existing environmental networks, public space, etc.With all of the above data, designer together with the customer proceeds to establish the concept, in which the basic principles of the future of the building and its main technical and economic indicators should be laid down. These and other aspects will determine both the appearance and the functionality of the designed building, its integration into the environment. Moreover, already at this stage the Customer will be able to understand the “economics” of his project.

   The possibility of further successful implementation and operation of the facility as a whole depends on the completeness and effectiveness of the applied technical solutions and high-quality implementation of their workers in the drawings.

   After all, the project documentation provides technical solutions for the safe operation of buildings and engineering networks, determines the correct selection of equipment and materials, and also allows the customer to optimize the cost of construction.Of course it is worth mentioning that all the buildings and structures are designed in strict accordance with the existing building legislation, and the experience of the designer will depend on how he is able to work with these norms, in order to fully satisfy the aesthetic and economic wishes of the Customer. An important aspect is the fact that all sections of the project documentation must be synchronized with each other.

   High-quality project enables the Customer in time put the object into operation in a timely manner to receive the planned profit and save up to 20% in the construction process. Finally, efficiently designed building can save up to 30% during its operation.


    Summarizing the above, it should be remembered that the design phase of the object – this is the initial phase of the implementation of the entire construction cycle. And how expertly and efficiently will be designed in an object depends on the result of all further work.

    Savings in project work, as a rule, further negative impact on the total value of the property, many times exceeding the planned costs in the beginning.

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