Silo type bulk storage of sugar with the capacity of 50,000 tons within the operating space of Radekhiv sugar LLC in Pavliv village, Radekhiv district, Lviv region
Construction of 10-storey residential building with built-in non-residential premises with the demolition of the existing low-rise residential building in O.Nazaruka St. in Lviv
Reconstruction with the construction completion of premises of Horodok educational complex No.2 “Secondary school of I degree-gymnasium” on Martovycha St. in Horodok, Lviv region
Block of flats with built-in non-residential premises and underground parking in Ak. Sakharova – Boikivska St. in Lviv
Interior of material and technical base of Lviv Center of Vocational Technical Training of state employment service in Kn.Olhy St. in Lviv. Hostel